A security research is conducted on a person before the employer appoints him/her to a position involving confidentiality. Security researches are often carried out by the AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service) or the MIVD (Military Intelligence and Security Service).
Digitale Opsporing can also perform these investigations. The investigation consists of different phases; it relates to the function, the employee will hold. The more important the function, the more difficult the investigation.
Another part of the process can be a field study, in which conversations with references and the person concerned should give an idea of the stability of the person and possible blackmailable behaviour.
The person concerned must give permission for a security investigation to be carried out by the external party. Without a permission, a security investigation can’t take place.
It is possible to have several security investigations to be carried out. For this, all persons related to functions are often responsible for a security investigation that must take place.