
OSINT for legal profession

The use of the internet and ICT is part of the daily work of a legal practitioner. What can you find on the internet, what can you do with this information and what dangers are there in using websites and going online? Participants learn about the practical application of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on the basis of relevant casuistry and carry out a few assignments.

Target group
This training is suitable for lawyers and jurists.

In this training, participants learn some basic skills and gain signalling knowledge about advanced search possibilities, searching information about individuals and companies for KYC or recovery information and the use of OSINT in IP-practice (fact-finding violations) and digital information sources.

This course is organized by Lawyrup in collaboration witih Digitale Opsporing.
Lawyrup is a free online databank for civil (procedural) law. Lawyrup makes legal know-how in these areas freely accessible to lawyers, jurists and layman. With links to legislation, explanation of the law and references (with links) to jurisprudence.

Location Online
Registration Open registration
Level In consultation
Duration 3 hours
Tuition fee € 300,- excl. VAT
Certificate An unique and personal certificate of participation

More info & registration

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OSINT for legal profession

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Interesse in OSINT voor de advocatuur

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