
2-day OSINT Open Sources Intelligence Training

TrainingThe Internet Investigation/Open Source Intelligence Training (OSINT) is one of the best trainings of the Netherlands, and is also unique because it is given by a digital detective working for the police.

The training is both given on location and as an online training. On the right, you can see the options and the different dates.

The online training is given in a virtual interactive classroom and ensures that the teaching experience does not differ much from physical education. Both teacher and participants are visible and you can ask questions live, not only via chat.

Read our corona protocol here (in Dutch only).It is applicable to the courses at our location.

During the Internet Investigation & Open Source Intelligence Training (OSINT), participants are trained in practical skills, techniques and tools to go through the vast amount of information, to quickly analyse and apply the results in their daily work.

Target group
The OSINT training is suitable for anyone who is involved in (fraud-) investgation and information gathering through the internet and social meda including (fraud) investigators, (social) investigators, private investigators, employees AML, KYC, CDD, collection specialists, etc.


Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Workplace
  • Legal frameworks
  • Search strategies
  • OSINT (Databases, social media, etc.)
  • Casuistry

Day 2

  • Internet Technology
  • Digital Trace Research
  • Social media, part II
  • Casuistry

The 2-day incompany OSINT training can be further customized with different modules, according to the client’s wishes and can be used in refresher courses and retraining courses. In addition, this training is also given in English.

During the training participants are also introduced to the iRC research tool, an online research environment, in which users can conduct an online research on the Internet (but also on the Dark Web), completely anonymously and securely, with all tools within reach.

Before the start of the training the starting level and the individual learning goals of the participants are mapped. This allows the teacher to respond to the individual goals and expectations of the participants during the training. In addition, this foreknowledge also makes it possible to teach different levels with different learning goals in one group, possibly with the help of an assistant teacher.

What makes this course so unique:

  • In 2007 Digitale Opsporing already was one of the pioneers in this field.
  • Digitale Opsporing has its own digital investigation agency and our investigators are dealing with issues like this every day.
  • The teachers are real practitioners who earned their spurs in the digital (criminal) worldas a police- or a private digital investigator.

For more information about this training, you can contact our training secretariat via or call us: 085-489 1250.

Are you curious about experiences of former participants? Click here. (Only available in Dutch)

Our training brochure, including an overview of all our trainings, can be found via the download page on this website.

Location Digitale Opsporing (Horst), Nieuwegein, online of Incompany
Registration Incompany, Open registration
Level In consultation
Duration 2 days
Tuition fee Open: € 945,- excl. VAT (Incompany: in consultation)
Accreditation Nivre: 6 PE-points (state in advance when registering)
Certificate An unique and personal certificate of participation

Direct registration

Sign up for the open training:
2-day OSINT Open Sources Intelligence Training
8 & 9 september 2022 Horst
22 & 23 september 2022 ONLINE
29 & 30 september 2022 ONLINE
25 & 26 oktober 2022 ONLINE
27 & 28 oktober 2022 Zwolle
17 & 18 november 2022 ONLINE
24 & 25 november 2022 Horst

Fill out below data:

[ninja_form id=”3″]

Incompany Training

This training can also be given at your location, whenever you want.
For this, you can contact our training secretariat via:
telephone: 085-489 1250

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Interested? Contact us directly

Interesse in Tweedaagse OSINT Internet Rechercheren

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