Observation of persons and objects
Sometimes it is only possible to discover the truth by following persons or objects. This is called observation. Observations can best be explained as systematic and unobtrusive observation of persons, objects or situations with the intention of detecting or preventing behaviour, whether or not contrary to internal regulations of your company, or relating to criminal offences. There are three types of observations:

  • Static observations
  • Dynamic observations
  • Preventive observations

Static observation
In a static observation, hidden cameras are usually placed. Static observation often takes place from one or several fixed objects, from which a subject consisting of one or more persons or an object is observed.


Dynamic observation
In a dynamic observation, the object consisting of a person or an article is followed, on foot or by means of transport, such as a car or motorcycle.


Preventive observation
In a preventive observation the person or the object is observed before departure, for example to work or at an object before departure to the customer. This allows suspicious persons or events to be detected at an early stage.

During observation researches, Digitale Opsporing closely collaborates with an agency whose employees have earned their spurs in observation teams of various digital government services, such as the Police, FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) National Crime Investigation Service and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee.