
Seizure of evidence

If there are indications in a (business) dispute that the (digital) evidence for this is with the opposing party, civil law offers the opportunity to secure that evidence.


  • Have the evidence searched on location, by experts of Digitale Opsporing;
  • Have the evidence confiscated by the bailiff
  • Have the evidence secured by a sequestrator.

This seizure of evidence is still a relatively unknown legal tool within civil right and can be used, among other things, in disputes concerning intellectual property rights (1019 Rv). However, this procedure can also be used in other disputes (even criminal law) (843a Rv).

Digitale Opsporing can carry out the following parts of the seizure of evidence for you:

  • Research into the attachment location, possibly also in the cloud;
  • Drawing up a step-by-step plan/strategy;
  • Assistance in the preparation and review of the appeal;
  • The execution of the actual attachment with the bailliff;
  • Searching for evidence and its forensic recording;
  • Forensic investigation on the attachment, after permission of the court or the attachedperson;
  • Copying and returning the original data (carriers) to the owner;
  • Secured storage of the legal copies.

De Cloud

Searching for relevant data on physical storage locations (local servers) or digital data carriers belongs to the past. The digital environment is becoming increasingly complex. We are currently dealing with advanced external ICT services and with Cloud computing.

If the storage location is in the cloud. Digitale Opsporing will discuss with you what is possible in terms of data-extraction. With suitable data extraction further storage is possible in an own, secure digital environment of Digitale Opsporing.

ISO 27001

As a private investigation agency with an ISO 27001 certification, Digitale Opsporing is fairly unique in the Netherlands: This certification gives you the necessary assurance about how the valuable data in the seizure of evidence is handled.

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