Cyber Security

Control audits

Digitale Opsporing carries out a periodic scan and checks to what extent your business operations are in accordance with the objectives set by your organization, taking into account the applicable laws and regulations with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Breach Notification Obligation. Various technical scans are performed during control and auditing.

We perform the following audits:

WLAN (WIFI) audit
During a WLAN audit, the wireless network is checked for vulnerabilities. Is the network sufficiently protected against unauthorized users?

Firewall audit
During a firewall audit, it is (externally) checked whether the company network is properly protected by the firewall. During the audit, the same techniques are applied as in a cyber- attack.

Network audit
During a network audit, the internal network is checked for vulnerabilities. Has the network been installed and configured correctly? The network infrastructure and the servers are checked. In addition, it is also possible to check whether malware is active on the network and whether camera systems have been set up correctly.

Website audit
During a website audit, the website is checked for vulnerabilities and configuration errors, that allow malicious persons to gain access to the underlying infrastructure of the website.

The results of the audit are drawn up in a report. The website administrator can use this report to solve vulnerabilities and errors (for you).

Phishing audit
A phising audit is a method to measure and directly increase the security awareness of employees, by performing a controlled phising attack and measuring the response.

USB stick audit
The risk of a virus infection by inserting an unknown USB in the PC is high. With an infected USB stick, it is possible to directly affect the organization in the local IT infrastructure.

During an USB stick audit, investigators from Digitale Opsporing (on assignment) test whether it is possible to, on location, infect the IT network of the client via infected USB stick(s). During the investigation, only pre-prepared USB sticks are used, which report the PC-name and used footprint of the system to our investigator, without causing further damage.
Through this audit, the awareness level of the employees is also mapped and points of improvement can be formulated.

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