Background check

In a background check or security investigation, important data such as previous employers or business partners, trainings, identity, criminal record etc. that show whether you can trust the person as a staff member or business partner is investigated.

A background check can also be used during the application procedure, to ensure that the future employee has a history of of irreproachable conduct.

In order to be sure that you employ the right candidate, in which case possible antecedents may not play a role, Digitale Opsporing can conduct a background check on this employee. We request permission in advance for conducting a background check by completing a Pre-Employment Screening form.

Financial-economic criminality.

Know your client. This is frequently heard in the financial sector and that is not without reason. Because as self-evident as it may sounds you must be and remain alert and critical with regard to client investigation under the Wft (Financial Supervision Act) to prevent reputation damage or limit it as much as possible.

In the context of the Wft (Financial Supervision Act) we can support you in an internet investigation, that can serve as a support in assessing the integrity of your business and private customers.

Financing of terrorism and money laundering are examples of specific reputation risks that may appear through a professional (semi) open source investigation.